From military aircraft and sounding rockets to terrain mapping and data analysis systems, our team crafts code for projects like these and more for some of the highest profile clients in the aerospace industry. Below is a sample of the projects we have worked on in the past.

Lockheed Martin C-5M Web Portal Website
Vinings Aviation and Fleming Technologies were selected to design and build the C-5M Web Portal website for Lockheed Martin. The website allows Lockheed Martin and Air Force personnel to analyze flight test data currently recorded from the Electronic Diagnostic System for the history of the C-5M program. The software was designed to support trillions Read More >
Space@VT Rocket Launch
Fleming Technologies has worked with Space@VT on several large projects, including work on this NASA sounding rocket campaign campaign at the Poker Flat Research Range in Alaska (January through March 2017). Fleming Tech was responsible for the systems support for the science experiment section of the payload.This NASA sounding rocket campaign supported the effort Read More >
General Avionics Test Environment
GATE is a premier software and hardware development tool that has been used successfully for over 10 years to support integration, formal testing, and regression testing. All of the source code, documentation, and test results were developed completely in-house. Designed and developed based on Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) aircraft software standards (DO-178B), Read More >
Precision Guided Rocket Launcher
The PGRL program is a major advancement of the previous 2.75 in. laser guided rocket programs at ATK Energetic Systems. Combining the knowledge of the previous system, with the legacy support of the Legacy Platform to GATR Adaptor (LPGA), the 2nd generation PGRL will provide built in support for both legacy and modernized military Read More >
Legacy Platform to GATR Adaptor
Fleming Technologies was contracted to work with ATK to reverse-engineer the legacy Apache-A Helicopter weapon systems in order to provide interoperability to ATK's Modernized Rocket Launcher program. Fleming Technologies worked onsite with ATK personnel to evaluate, design, and ultimately produce a demonstration unit. With the help of hardware design firm Aeronix, Inc., the team was able Read More >
Guided Advanced Tactical Rocket
GATR is a laser-guided 70 mm precision system that delivers extreme accuracy against both stationary and moving targets. Fleming Technologies was contracted by ATK Energetic Systems to perform the software design, development, integration, and maintenance of the GATR program. Primary responsibilities targeted an update to the software development processes, formal document generation, requirements generation, and Read More >
General Digital Mapping Unit
While at RJK Technologies, Brett was the lead system and software architect for the General Digital Mapping Unit (GDMU) program. The GDMU was a form-fit-function replacement for the C-130J cockpit digital mapping displays. Brett was responsible for the system and software level processes, documentation, artifacts, and ultimately, for the entire code base. The project Read More >